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Steamed Taro Buns

A recipe by Thuan Sinh @its_time_to_eat

Posted on 01 May, 2024
Steamed Taro Buns
*For the Taro Paste Filling*
Frozen taro (thawed)
Coconut milk/cream
Ube flavouring (optional)
*For the Buns*
Caster sugar
Instant yeast
Lukewarm water
Plain flour (sifted)
Baking powder
2 tsp
White vinegar

Makes 12 large buns

For the Taro Paste Filling

  1. Cut taro halves in half then slice into 5mm thick slices.
  2. Place taro into a large steamer basket then steam over rapidly boiling water for 30mins or until cooked.
  3. Add cooked taro into a food processor, along with coconut milk/cream, sugar and a drop of ube flavouring. Blitz until smooth.
  4. Transfer taro puree to a large non-stick pan.
  5. Cook taro puree on medium heat. Steam will be released as the water evaporates from the puree. Keeping moving the puree around in the pan with a spatula to prevent any dark spots from forming. Continue doing this until your puree turns into a paste.
  6. Take off the heat and allow to cool completely. You can make the paste ahead of time and chill in the fridge. The paste will set further on cooling.

For the Buns

  1. Add sugar, yeast and water to a bowl and mix. Leave for 10mins.
  2. Add flour to the bowl of a stand mixer. Make a well in the centre and pour in the yeast mixture. Mix on speed 1 for 10mins. If you don’t have a stand mixer, knead with your hands until the dough is smooth.
  3. Form the dough into a ball and place in an oiled bowl and cover with cling film. Set aside for 90mins.
  4. Mix baking powder and water together in a small bowl. Set aside.
  5. After 90min, transfer your dough to a work surface. Roll out into a large rectangle. Pour baking powder mix onto the dough. Fold the dough over the liquid and gently knead until the dough feels smooth (about 2 mins). Divide your dough into 12 equal parts. Form into balls then cover with cling film and allow to rest for 10mins.
  6. Divide your prepared taro paste into 12 equal parts and form into balls.
  7. Roll out your ball of dough and place a ball of filling in the centre. Gather the dough around the taro filling and pinch together to seal at the top. Place on a square of baking paper and into a steamer basket. Repeat until all 12 buns are made.
  8. Add a splash of vinegar into a pot of water and bring to the boil. Lightly mist your buns with water (optional) then steam for 10mins. After 10mins, turn off the heat but DO NOT OPEN THE LID. Leave steamer undisturbed for 3mins before opening the lid.


Serve hot.